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REVTECH Sterilization equipment

Naturalpár Ltd's latest investment is a heat treatment plant from the French company REVTECH, a revolutionary new technology for the continuous treatment of powdery, granular and small particulate materials.

Heat treatment can greatly improve inadequate microbiological results and reduce germ count.

Main features of the equipment:
- Precise temperature control between 50°C and 300°C
- Continuous processing
- Processing time can be set from a few minutes up to hours
- Capacity from 100 kg/hour to 1.000 kg/hour depending on the material

The equipment is based on a 100 mm diameter 120 m long spiral continuous uninterrupted stainless steel tube, fixed to a hexagonal support structure. The tube is electrically connected to a high power transformer and is heated by direct electrical impedance to the tube wall.

The equipment is based on a 100 mm diameter 120 m long spiral continuous uninterrupted stainless steel tube, fixed to a hexagonal support structure. The tube is electrically connected to a high power transformer and is heated by direct electrical impedance to the tube wall. Vibration motors attached to the structure generate controlled vibrations, which cause the material inside the tube to move from the bottom to the top and to come into continuous contact with the tube, which is set to the temperature corresponding to the material to be heated. The vibratory movement also causes the material being treated to mix within itself. Openings are provided on each 180° of the spiral tube system, opposite each other on both sides. Through these openings, gasses or vapors can be introduced into the tube or the gasses generated during the treatment can be extracted by means of a column connected to the tube system by flexible silicone tubes. The heat-treated product can be cooled in the pipe system or in a separate installation and transported for further processing or packaging. A special dispensing device equipped with a two-material nozzle can be used to inject a liquid coating solution, dispersion or emulsion onto the product moving in the tube. Due to the intense movement and mixing of the processed product, the injected liquid is evenly distributed on the product surface.

The technology allows yeasts, molds, salmonella, E-coli to be completely eradicated, the total bacterial count to be greatly reduced, sterilization is very homogeneous thanks to the vibration of the tube, which ensures perfect mixing of the product.

Microbiological results:
The microbiological results have been validated by an independent laboratory.

Name Paprika Black pepper Caraway seed Chamomile
before treatment after treatment before treatment after treatment before treatment after treatment before treatment after treatment
Salmonella negative negative negative negative
Enterobacteriaceae - - 1.0 x 104 <10 3.5 x 105 <10 1.7 x 106 <10
Mold and yeast 6.0 x 102 <10 1.0 x 104 <10 1.0 x 105 <10 1.3 x 105 <10
Total germ count 3.7 x 106 40 1.1 x 107 500 1.9 x 106 360 1.1 x 107 290
